Claim your "thanks"; sleep, relax, catch up with a friend or cash in the pennies for a treat. Ditch the guilt and claim the love you pour out, the tears of joy you share, and the hard work you shred! You are your best version of your self when you take time for you. Acknowledge where you are at, validate your growth up till now, and design you for the future. It has taken me 10 years of non-stop engine revving and very hard sessions with a psychiatrist to get to the point of releasing the guilt of taking 1 hour in the morning to "relax". That would take a blog post to fully detail that breakthrough moment. It doesn't matter what it is that you do, not all breaks are weekends at the spa. It can be a simple affirmation you say just to yourself while driving on the way to work. Regardless of what you claim as yours, the very act of claiming something as only yours vanquishes the ever lurking demon of guilt and transforms you as the knight and champion of reaffirming self worth.
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